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group: Sections
Introduction to the Recursion Mindset | | 3:23
From Mindset to Real Action | | 3:18
Further Defining the Recursion Mindset | | 2:41
Invest in Learning | | 3:58
A Recursion Mindset is the deep belief and commitment to industrializing drug discovery through automation, algorithms and data TO DELIVER ON OUR MISSION. This is made manifest through our FOUNDING PRINCIPLES and supported by our CULTURE AND VALUES.
In this session, we explore how to cultivate this approach to problem-solving. Despite the term ‘mindset’ - The Recursion Mindset is much more than an intrinsic quality of your mind; it’s a transformative action that changes the way we operate. Applying this mindset is how we’ve been able to stay aligned on a shared strategy and built the Operating System that we have today. In this course, you will learn a bit about what it is and why it’s so critical to stay open-minded and inquisitive about how this mindset underlies our approach to decoding biology.
Recursion Mindset is not a contemplative idea; it is a collection of shared principles, beliefs, and values that are enacted through our choices and actions in how we do our work.
If there is no action, it doesn't count. To embody the Recursion Mindset, you have to make it active. It is the difference between understanding a foreign language and being able to also express yourself with it - make your work come alive through the framework of the Recursion Mindset
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