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group: Sections
Introduction to the Founding Principles | | 3:14
Explore the Uncharted over Targeting the Known | | 3:29
Build Connected Data over Collecting Data Points | | 3:30
Create Virtuous Cycles of Atoms and Bits | | 3:49
Industrialize to Scale Exponentially through Standardization and Automation | | 4:44
Optimize for the Portfolio to Accelerate Programs at Scale | | 3:45
Challenge Assumptions and Convention to Uncover Fundamental Truths | | 4:19
Our founding principles represent our core beliefs, and provide a foundation for understanding and interpreting the world of Recursion’s ambition.
As you navigate your role at Recursion, utilize our founding principles to keep you on the path to radical impact. This introduction will serve as the beginning of your learning journey as to how we incorporate these principles into our decision-making, teams, debates and individual work.
We aim to industrialize drug discovery and, like the revolutions before this one, this industrial revolution will require a revolutionary mindset. If we want to see a drug discovery future that's enabled by continuous collaboration between drug hunters and tool builders, we have to unite these groups through a shared framework.
The founding principles are multi-layered, but their power is amplified when you can hold them together in decision making.
They are:
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