Focusing on What Matters
Hosted by:
Laura Schaevitz
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Focusing on What Matters
Focusing on What Matters
Focusing on What Matters


group: Sections

Recursion’s Value Drivers | | 3:56

Priorities and Goals| | 3:02

Our Philosophy on Goals | | 2:31


Recursion’s ‘What answers a few essential questions to understanding the work at Recursion’. That is What are we building? What does success look like? What is the work? Today, we delve into understanding Recursion - not just in what we each can do but more importantly, what we intend to accomplish as a company. 

Today, we will be discussing a fundamental aspect of Recursion: our priorities and value drivers. Understanding these concepts is vital for us to clearly outline where we want to be as a company, this year and in years to come. We have a very ambitious mission at Recursion and no time to waste in proving out the grand experiment. Our priorities and value drivers allow us to stay laser focused on what the next critical questions and inflection points that will ultimately enable us to achieve Recursion’s mission.

We want you to join us on a journey that spans not just the next year but also long-term.

Recursion believes in using priorities and value drivers to paint a broad picture outlining where we aim to be in one, three or more years. We then entrust and empower our teams to actively engage and create the most value they can, guided by these ambitions.

Recursion has three value drivers that are not mutually exclusive. They complement each other and provide a robust strategy to anticipate changes in market dynamics and quickly capitalize on the outputs of our platform. We continually pursue these three drivers, often adjusting their relative focus and sometimes radically shifting to capture emerging opportunities.

  • Partnerships
  • Pipeline
  • Data

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