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group: Sections
Introduction to the Recursion Values | | 2:50
We Act Boldly With Integrity | | 2:33
We Learn | | 4:06
We Deliver | | 4:00
We Care | | 4:23
We Are One Recursion | | 5:07
Our culture and values are what make Recursion unique. They are the fabric of everything we do together, the choices that we make, and the behaviors we anchor to. This is deeply important at Recursion because our values shape a different kind of work environment.
Our unique culture is a strategic differentiator, and we make that known in both internal and external communications, from our Grand Challenges to our public filings. We push ourselves to match our behaviors and rituals to our values, and to structure our work and our practices to reinforce these values. We really believe that our culture exists in every action and is owned by every Recursionaut.
How we codify and define the behaviors that shape our culture is through our 5 values. We Act Boldly with Integrity, We Learn, We Deliver, We Care, and We Are One Recursion.
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